
Coding Bootcamp Grad Pretty Big Deal


Recent coding bootcamp grad Wade Weathersby is a big deal, according to his blog. Wade is just one of the many newly-minted developers exiting the burgeoning cottage industry that has sprung up around quickly teaching people to code. After participating in Expensive Code Camp, Wade is currently looking for his first big job as a senior software engineer. "We learned pretty much everything there is to know at Expensive Code Camp. Everything from spinning up a React app using Create React App to installing the Firebase SDK - we've done it all", said Wade when asked what his experience is like.

"Six figures for six weeks of hard work seems about right to me" Wade Weathersby

Wade is feeling optimisic about his chances of landing a senior software engineer position. "Even though the job descriptions tend to say stuff like '5+ years of experience', I feel like I was able to absorb more than the equivalent of that information in my time at ECC. I've really seen things, you know? I've worked at the highest levels of the stack with React and dropped down to bare metal with Node.js", said Wade. Wade also noted that he had created a number of open-source projects to mimic the appearance of job experience. "I wanted to give the appearance of having some some really cool shit, but with just enough detail so you can't dig in or ask too many questions or know very much at all," said Wade. At press time, Wade was considering applying for staff software engineer positions, too.